Thursday, October 30, 2008


So it's almost been a year since anyone has posted on this.... so should we delete it?? Vote on the side. Thanks

Friday, December 7, 2007


Is anyone out there????? How come I never hear from anyone on this thing? No comments, no nothin'! I can't even tell if anyone looks at this anymore??? You can just say hello or something :) give a little update, post pictures from the homestead, of your new home, Cayson, or adventures in Spaneesh :) No I know you guys are all busy, but I just miss hearing from you on this one... I guess I just miss everyone period! Love you guys!!!!

Well.... Kyler is officially a big boy! We transitioned to a toddler bed last night, and he couldn't be more excited.

I put it together pretty much by myself, with some "help" from Kyler and Adam helped towards the end, after I put it all together and realized I did something wrong, big surprise :) Oh well it turned out great!
He really loves his cars and trucks sheet! I think it's part of why he likes it so much, but also because it's a bed like mom and dads! We don't have a bed spread yet, but that's to come later. I just wanted to see if he'd actually sleep in it. Last night he asked for a pillow like daddy, so we will have to come up with a little pillow :)

In the picture below I told Kyler to pretend like he was sleeping in his big boy bed, so funny!!!! He cracks me up.
Well the first night was a success. He stayed in it and went to bed, and he didn't fall out. Needless to say I checked on him 3 times last night (baby made me get up to use the bathroom anyway!), and Adam did again when he went to work. We were worried he'd fall out! :) We are so proud of him. This morning I heard him wake up so I got up and got dressed, etc. Then about 5 minutes later, I hear the pitter-patter of his little feet running into the living room. It was so weird that he could get up all by himself. So we will have to work on staying in bed or at least bedroom until I come get him. But pretty good for a first time!

Ok now if you have been reading this, I better get a comment from you! I want to know what you think, ok?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This is so FUNNY!

Click on this link to find a dancing family of elves that you might recognize!!!

Love, Rach

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!

Hello Fam! This blog is pretty dead so I thought I would post on here and make you guys look at it :) Here are some pictures of our pumpkin carving session Tuesday night!

Kyler wasn't too sure about the insides of the pumpkin at first! Squishy!!! Eventually he got over it and liked helping Adam remove the slippery seeds!

Kyler especially liked the pumpkins after they were lit!

The next day was Halloween and we had a blast! Isn't Kyler a cute farmer? I think he really enjoyed dressing up! First Kyler and I went trick or treating at an assisted living center. It was so fun and the old people loved him! One sweet lady asked how old he was and said he was a special boy :) He really got the hang of saying trick or treat! He says is so cute! But the people handing out the candy just let him pick so he eventually gave up saying it cause he got candy with out it. But it was sweet when I would have him tell them Happy Halloween! He said it, Happy A'ween! They loved it!
Later that evening after Adam came home we trick or treated some of our neighbors and then went to the ward Halloween carnival! Adam was excited to be a red neck AGAIN! and got many laughs and surprised looks. Most everyone didn't recognize him! I was appropriately a pumpkin and we had a good time at the carnival. Our chili won most original even though we were going for spiciest :) oh well! And there were some really good cinnamon rolls too. Kyler had never had so much candy in his life, so of course he was bouncing off the walls! He probably only had 6 pieces, but for him it was plenty and more than he's ever had in one evening!!!! We had never seen him so crazy, he wouldn't sit still for 1 minute, he was all over the place. He was definitely on a sugar high!!!!! The first of his life! But he eventually crashed about the time Adam took him trunk or treating, while I handed out the candy at our trunk. They had fun though. After seeing Kyler act the way he did, and knowing that I would probably eat most of the candy anyway, I ended up putting 10 of our favorite candies away each of us and 6 pieces or so for Kyler, and throwing the rest away! I was glad to do it :) Maybe I am a party pooper, but oh well! Kyler wont know any different :)

Overall we had a great night as a family! Hope your Halloween was equally as fun for each of you! Post your stories and send pictures if you have em!
love, Rach

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fall Colors!

Just wanted to let you all know I miss you! I hope everyone is doing well!

Chris and I drove up the canyon last weekend to look at the leaves. I tried to take some pictures, but we were too far away. I will post what I have though. I love fall! Can't wait until we can all see each other again...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More Pictures

Hey Guys I posted some pictures of our vacation on our family blog but thought I would save some for y'all to appreciate! They are in backwards order but I am too lazy to change them...

Lovely... :)
Kyler and Grandma cruisin in the expe' with their shades!

I like this one a lot
Kyler running the car battery down!
It was a lot of fun! the only thing that could have made it better is that everyone was there! It makes me sad to think I don't know when the WHOLE family can be together again... :( The Holidays just wont be the same... But life must go on I supposed. I love each of you and think of you often. Thanks for everything and everyone just being themselves.... isn't our family great?

Ps. I am sure you all got the pictures of our ultrasound that Adam sent. If you want another look I posted them on our fam website. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Thanks for your phone calls and congrats. We are excited for our little boy and feel really blessed with the opportunity to have another child.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lion Tales

Gin, I just felt the need to dedicate these pictures to you. Hope you enjoy :)